Authors |
Badeyeva Elena Aleksandrovna, Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor, sub-department of accounting, taxation and audit, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Volodin Viktor Mikhaylovich, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, dean of the faculty of economics and administration, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Murashkina Tatyana Ivanovna, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, sub-department of instrument engineering, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Increase of activity efficiency of any modern economic subject is caused by usage of new tools during planning and management of quality management – the process and design approaches. Essential changes in the system of strategic management of the modern higher education institutions, connected with
development of education in the Russian Federation, changes of requirements of consumers and the interested parties of the educational organizations require application of the modern methods in management, in this case particularly the process and design approaches. The purpose of the study is to consider features of application of the process and design approaches during planning in the framework of quality management by the example of the educational organizations of higher education.
Materials and methods. The research was carried out on the basis of a conceptual synthesis of interstate and national standards of the Russian Federation, theoretical provisions of formation of the process and design approaches in planning by economic subjects. The authors chose the method of comparative analysis and synthesis as the main method.
Results. The authors gave definitions and the main characteristics of the process and design approaches. The study shows the connection of the design and process approaches and the need of their integration into the system of quality management of modern higher education institutions. The process approach is offered as a basis of organization and management of a university, and the design approach – as the instrument of introduction of innovations. The authors revealed the opportunities which educational organizations would get at management on the basis of the process approach. To increase the efficiency and productivity of management processes and pursuing the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin it is offered to implement the «Innovation-oriented planning of university’s quality management in the framework of the process approach (Planning)» project in higher education institutions.
Conclusions. The process and design approaches have to be applied in all kinds of activity of educational organizations. The design and process approaches in management and planning of educational organizations’ activities will allow to assess the productivity and efficiency of achievement of the planned indicators of quality,
to improve higher education institution indicators.
Key words |
process, project, process approach, design approach, management, planning, qualitaty management, higher education institution, educational organization.
References |
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